Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2018
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Based on OSCE Permanent Council decision 1295 of June 2018 on the dates and topics of the 2018 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, the 2018 meeting will take place in Warsaw from 10 to 21 September 2018.
In the Resources section below you will find the following documents:
- Draft Agenda of the meeting, which lists the topics by day and time;
- General Information;
- Information for Civil Society providing guidance for civil society participants.
All other documents, including the Annotated Agenda, information about registration and booking a side event, will be available closer to the event. Please keep checking regularly to see what new information is available.
The meeting takes place in Warsaw from 10 to 21 September 2018, with two sessions scheduled per day. Please consult the schedule in the Draft Agenda.
There will also be side events organized every day by the participants of the meeting (please see the side events section below). The schedule of side events will be available on this website prior to the event.
Participants wishing to attend the meeting are requested to register online via the new ODIHR Conference Registration System as soon as possible. Important note: the registration deadline has been extended to 18:00 CET, Friday, 31 August 2018. After this date online registration will be closed. Registered participants will be able to collect their badges at the meeting venue as of 8:00 a.m. (CET), Monday, 10 September 2018.
Please consult the General Information document on the details of the new registration process.
Participation in the HDIM is free of charge, although all travel and accommodation costs should be borne by participants. The List of Hotels, Hotel Special Rates and Booking Forms are available in the Resources section below to facilitate your stay in Warsaw.
Registered participants can organize side events over the course of the meeting. Side events provide an opportunity for participants to discuss issues that have not been fully covered during the working sessions, since only limited time is assigned to each topic.
Participants wishing to organize side events will need to make an online booking via the new ODIHR Conference Registration System. The new system will continue to be based on a “first come, first served” principle. The booking period will re-open at 12:00 noon (CET), Wednesday, 29 August 2018 and close at 12:00 noon (CET), Friday, 31 August 2018. No bookings will be accepted after the deadline. Additional information on the online booking system, including the terms and conditions, is available in the Side Events Information document, in the Resources section below.
We will continue posting further information about the HDIM in the Resources section, so please come back often. You can also contact:
Organizational matters and co-ordination of the conference: Mr. Martin Toplisek
Registration of participants: Ms. Anna Sierant at
Co-ordination of side events: Mr. Vadym Makogon at
Only registered representatives of participating States, Partners for Co-operation, OSCE Institutions, NGOs, think tanks or others can submit documents to the ODIHR Documents Distribution System for distribution during the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting. ODIHR bears no responsibility for the content of such documents received for distribution, and circulates them without altering their content. The distribution by the ODIHR Documents Distribution System of documents received does not imply any endorsement by ODIHR and is without prejudice to OSCE decisions, as set out in documents agreed by OSCE participating States.