OSCE/ODIHR experts present final report on Moldova’s 2019 parliamentary elections in Chisinau
Elections experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) met with electoral stakeholders in Chisinau on 19 and 20 December 2019 to present the ODIHR final report on 2019 parliamentary elections in Moldova.
The report’s findings and recommendations were presented to representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the Central Election Commission (CEC), the Legal Committee of the Parliament, General Prosecutor’s Office, the Audio-Visual Council as well as the international community and civil society organizations.
ODIHR experts also presented the report at a post-election conference organized by the CEC and the Council of Europe, which gathered more than 100 participants from relevant state authorities, political parties, the international community and civil society.
“The commitment to discuss ODIHR's recommendations at the highest levels is an indication of the importance placed on improving the electoral process,” said Vladimir Misev, ODIHR Senior Adviser on New Voting Technologies. “This is an opportune moment for adopting an inclusive approach to enhancing electoral legislation and practice in Moldova in line with the international standards and commitments, and ODIHR continues to stand ready to support such efforts.”
Discussions focused on the report’s recommendations related to eliminating gaps and ambiguities in electoral legal framework, enhancing professionalism of mid-level election administration and providing sufficient authority and resources to campaign finance oversight body. The experts also highlighted the recommendations ensuring that voters are able to cast their votes free of pressure and undue influence and increasing confidence in the law enforcement.
Other recommendations discussed included promoting a level playing field among contestants, ensuring the separation of state and party and enhancing transparency of the results tabulation.
All OSCE participating States have committed themselves to following up on ODIHR's election assessments and recommendations.