OSCE/ODIHR presents electoral recommendations in Montenegro

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) presented the final report of the Limited Election Observation Mission for Montenegro’s early parliamentary elections last year during a visit to Podgorica which concluded on 8 February 2013.
The report’s findings and recommendations were presented to officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the Interior Ministry, the Parliament, the State Election Commission and other government agencies, as well as to representatives of political parties, civil society and the media.
Recommendations in the report highlight the need for further measures to increase public trust in the integrity of the electoral process. These include a thorough investigation of allegations of electoral irregularities and a public campaign against vote-buying and electoral fraud. The report also recommends further efforts to enhance public confidence in the quality of voter lists.
The report adds that the legal framework should be further amended to eliminate the 24-month residency requirement, and more should be done to facilitate the access of voters to legal remedies.
ODIHR emphasized that it is ready to assist in implementing its recommendations, on the request of the authorities of Montenegro. All OSCE participating States have committed to promptly following up on ODIHR’s election assessments and recommendations.