OSCE/ODIHR presents electoral recommendations in Kazakhstan

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) began two days of meetings in Astana on 11 September 2012 to present the final report of the Election Observation Mission to the 15 January early parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan.
The report’s findings and recommendations were presented to the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan at a meeting also attended by a representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives from international organizations. Discussions focused on the report’s recommendations for bringing election-related legislation and practice in line with OSCE commitments and other international standards.
The report’s recommendations focus on the need for greater respect of the rights of expression, assembly and association, enhancing the integrity and impartiality of election commissions and the need for effective and timely legal redress.
It also recommended improving the transparency of the electoral process, including through the publication of election results at all levels.
ODIHR emphasized it was ready to assist in implementing these recommendations, upon the request of the authorities of Kazakhstan. All OSCE participating States have committed themselves to promptly follow up on ODIHR’s election assessments and recommendations.