Countering anti-Semitism and promoting Holocaust remembrance
OSCE participating States first condemned anti-Semitism in 1990. This includes verbal harassment, hate speech and violent attacks targeting Jews and Jewish institutions, neo-Nazi activities and Holocaust denial.
OSCE participating States are committed to preventing and addressing anti-Semitism through a comprehensive set of measures.
ODIHR has been tasked with collecting information about, and reporting on, anti-Semitic incidents and hate crimes across the OSCE region. ODIHR compiles this data on its Hate Crime Reporting website and works with civil society to better record and report anti-Semitic incidents.
ODIHR also works to raise awareness on current challenges and effective responses to anti-Semitism by facilitating the exchange of good practices among governments, educators, civil society and Jewish community organizations from the OSCE region for preventing and responding to anti-Semitism. ODIHR also created specific teaching tools with partner organizations, and our Words Into Action project emphasised addressing the security needs of Jewish communities, countering anti-Semitism through education, and fostering coalition-building among different communities.