OSCE trains border officials in Tajikistan on protecting human rights while countering terrorism
Senior border officials from four OSCE participating states completed a five-day training course in Dushanbe on 31 March 2012. The course focused on human rights-based approach to countering terrorist threats along and at borders.
The course, offered jointly by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the OSCE Border Management Staff College (BMSC), was held in line with the OSCE’s multi-dimensional approach to security, which recognizes the respect for human rights as an integral element. It brought together senior border officials from Kyrgyzstan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland and Tajikistan.
“Complex transnational threats, in particular terrorism, can only be effectively addressed by means of a comprehensive approach,” said Lucile Sengler, ODIHR Human Rights Officer on Anti-Terrorism Issues. “Respect for human rights does not hinder efforts to effectively secure borders - on the contrary, it plays a pivotal practical role in successfully countering cross-border threats of terrorism.”
The course was delivered as part of ODIHR’s assistance to OSCE participating States in respecting human rights when countering terrorism, and the BMSC’s mandate to enhance the capacities of national border officials to keep borders open and secure.