Participants in a train-the-trainer workshop on women's leadership and increased participation in decision-making, Vanadzor, Armenia, 2003. (OSCE/Eric Gourlan)
An OSCE observer at a polling station in the town of Balashikha outside Moscow, where Interior Ministry soldiers line up to vote for the Duma elections, 7 December 2003. (OSCE/Mikhail Evstafiev)
Romani children are gaining greater access to schools, resulting from education reforms supported by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5 November 2003. (Dejan Vekic/OSCE)
Pupils of a primary school participating in a human rights
awareness campaign session conducted by the OSCE Mission in
Kosovo in Dragas/Dragash municipality. (Lubomir Kotek/OSCE)
Students discuss the importance of voting and participating in
elections during a debate at Pristina University Law Faculty,
organized by the OSCE Mission to Kosovo, October 2001. (Lubomir Kotek/OSCE)
In April, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo launched a new mission
newspaper entitled Details. Readers pick up copies at a cafe in
Pristina. (Lubomir Kotek/OSCE)
To prepare for the elections of 17 November, the OSCE Mission in
Kosovo staged a time and motion study at a mock-up polling
in Tudjevce/Tugjec, September 2001. (Lubomir Kotek/OSCE)