Training on good practices in migrant integration for municipalities in the Baltic countries, Part 1
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The Academy is an interagency initiative which offers a series of training courses to assist municipalities, preparing them to work with newcomers and addressing the challenges they might encounter while welcoming them. Building on their expertise and inspired by the success of a similar Academy in Poland implemented in 2023 and 2024, the Council of Europe Intercultural Cities (ICC) Programme, ODIHR, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have designed a training programme for staff from a range of local authorities to address numerous aspects of migrant and refugee integration in municipalities in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
The Academy on the integration of migrants and refugees in the Baltic countries is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Latvia, the Ministry of Culture, Estonia, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania, Providus, Latvia and the Association of Estonian Cities and Municipalities, Estonia.
The training, conducted in English, draws on ODIHR’s Good Practices in Migrant Integration manual and will give the participants a chance to learn about good practices in other OSCE countries. The topics covered include:
- Welcoming policies and cultural, linguistic and social integration
- Education and integration of children and youth
- Access to the labour market and promotion of entrepreneurship
- Intersection of integration support and anti-trafficking efforts
Part 2 of this course is tentatively planned for June 2025 and will focus on counteracting misinformation and hate speech; preventing and fighting discrimination, racism and xenophobia and communicating about migration and integration issues to the public. Participation in Part 1 is not a requirement for participating in Part 2.
Registration for this part of the training is already completed. Registration for Part 2 will be launched in April/May 2025.
For further information about the training course or selection procedure, please contact