Training: Building effective partnerships in support of migrant and refugee integration in Polish cities
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This training, offered as part of the Academy on Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Polish Cities, will examine Polish cities’ perspective on the integration of migrants and refugees.
It will put emphasis on drawing from cities’ experiences and sharing of best practices in responding to the challenges of inclusion and migrant and refugee integration.
Polish local governments, public and non-governmental institutions often establish cooperation among themselves and other local stakeholders to support migrant and refugee integration.
The training will offer an opportunity to review the experience of joining forces to support integration, systematize knowledge and discuss the benefits and challenges of building effective partnerships.
The topics will include:
■ Understanding the building blocks of successful and sustainable collaboration at the local level;
■ Comprehensive mapping of stakeholders relevant to local efforts to integrate people with migrant and refugee experience;
■ Exchanging experiences between cities in forming partnerships and developing local cooperation;
■ Development of practical plans for cooperative integration in the context of participants’ cities.
Dialogue session
On the first evening, participants will attend a dialogue session on integration and cooperation. It will provide an opportunity to talk about one's own experience, listen to the perspectives of others and to learn the principles of dialogue as a communication tool under the guidance of a trainer with extensive experience in conducting public dialogues on migration and integration issues. This approach has been developed and perfected at Norway's Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue.
This is the third part of the ODIHR training course within the framework of the Academy for Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Polish cities. Attendance at Part I and Part II is not a requirement for participation. The training materials and networking dinner are funded by ODIHR. The training venue is provided by ODIHR.
The course is based on interactive training methods and requires the active participation of all participants. The course will be practical, based on interaction, dialogue and groupwork. The training is intended to serve as a space for sharing experiences, ways of dealing with challenges and good practices between cities. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, participants will work together to develop their own action plans to take home and implement. The course is conducted in Polish by trainers with proven gender and cultural sensitivity.
The training will be open for up to 24 participants who represent municipal authorities in cities that are members of the Union of Polish Metropolises.
Cities can nominate two to three mid-level practitioners from departments and units relevant to the integration of migrants and refugees, including departments of education, culture, social policy, units working with the third sector, equal treatment activities, and/or others (such as intercultural assistants or social workers).
City authorities should approach the Union of Polish Metropolises with their nominations.
If you have any questions about the content of the training or the selection procedure, please contact us at