ODIHR Director visit to Asia focuses on strengthening human rights and increased collaboration
As part of ongoing efforts by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to strengthen democratic institutions and respect for human rights in the OSCE region, ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci visited Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia on 7-17 November 2023.
This began with a visit to Turkmenistan on 7-10 November, the first by an ODIHR Director since 2010, which aimed to enhance support to the country in implementing its commitments to democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.
Meetings in Ashgabat focused on increasing cooperation both with the Turkmen authorities and civil society. Director Mecacci held discussions with Foreign Minister Meredov, Speaker Gulmanova, and Ombuds Gurbannazarova, as well as civil society representatives, which centred on support ODIHR can offer in the areas of elections, legislative support and human rights. He also met Justice Minister Taganov, Supreme Court Chair Hojamgulyyev and the Institute of Law and Democracy, with whom he discussed issues related to the rule of law, fair trials and democratic participation, including possible reforms, and means to develop cooperation with ODIHR in the future.
Director Mecacci’s visit to Uzbekistan took place on November 13-14, and aimed to further advance ODIHR’s collaboration with the authorities and civil society in Uzbekistan to improve implementation of the country’s commitments to democracy and human rights.
In Nukus, the Director met the Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karapakalstan Tleubaevich, the Prosecutor General, and civil society representatives, with whom he discussed issues connected to the events of July 2022. In Tashkent, the Director met Foreign Minister Saidov, Justice Minister Tashkulov, Ombuds Eshmatova, First Deputy Speaker of the Oliy Majlis Prof. Saidov, members of parliament, representatives of the National Center for Human Rights, Deputy Internal Affairs Minister Abdulkhakov, Deputy Prosecutor General Svetlana Artikova, and Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court Muslimov. Meetings with civil society representatives were also an important part of the visit.
The meetings highlighted new areas of engagement with ODIHR, aimed at strengthening democratic institutions and increasing the protection of human rights, including freedom of assembly, prevention of torture and supporting human rights defenders. The issues connected to the events of July 2022 were also discussed in Tashkent, and ODIHR will continue to closely monitor the situation.
Director Mecacci’s final visit in the region was to Mongolia on November 15-17. The main purpose of his discussions was to enhance the existing collaboration with Mongolia and identify new possible areas in which ODIHR can support the country in implementing its commitments to democracy and human rights.
In UlaanBaatar, the Director discussed rule of law, judicial reform, the promotion of human rights and implementation of OSCE electoral commitments with Justice Minister Battumur, National Human Rights Commissioner Jargalsaikhan, Head of the Mongolian Delegation to OSCE PA Damdin, Judge Dashdorj, Head of the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Mongolia, and General Elections Commission Chairman Purev as well as civil society representatives.