Justice for Torture Victims: Applying a Victim-centred Approach and Ensuring the Right to Redress and Rehabilitation in Practice
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This half-day conference provides an opportunity for OSCE participating States and civil society to examine the state’s obligations to ensure proper redress for victims of torture and other ill-treatment. This includes access to effective remedies and to reparation. It is also an opportunity to elaborate on the complementary and important role played by civil society organizations in supporting torture victims and in realizing their right to redress and rehabilitation.
All victims of torture have an explicit right to redress and rehabilitation under the United Nations Convention Against Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (UNCAT). At the 27th OSCE Ministerial Council in Tirana in 2020, OSCE participating States recognized that effectively combating torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (other ill-treatment) requires an integrated and victim-centred approach. This must encompass prevention, access to justice, accountability, redress and the enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible.
Despite the clear commitments, torture and other forms of ill-treatment continue to persist in the OSCE region, both in times of peace and war. Left unaddressed, the severe psychological, physical, emotional and financial consequences of torture and other ill-treatment, including sexual and gender-based violence, can significantly disrupt victim’s lives. The trauma can also be passed down through the generations, thereby directly affecting not only the victims, but also their families and wider society.
The conclusions and recommendations from the meeting may be used, among others, to inspire further action in the field of torture prevention within the OSCE. The organizers will prepare an outcome report with key recommendations on possible further action, with the support of the 2023 OSCE Chairpersonship of North Macedonia and ODIHR.
ODIHR supports the conference as part of its work with participating States on the fight against torture.
Further information
Participation in this event is by invitation only.