Possibilities of engaging the Ukrainian diaspora in reconstruction and development explored at ODIHR event
Opportunities and challenges of engaging the Ukrainian diaspora in post-conflict reconstruction and development, including examples of good practices from other countries’ diasporas, were discussed at an event organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 6 October 2022 during the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference.
“Diasporas play a vital role that remains under-appreciated in the post-conflict process,” said Maria Koinova, Professor of International Relations at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. “The Ukrainian diaspora provides financial support from afar for the reconstruction of buildings, houses, and family businesses. But beyond financing projects to assist the recovering economy, they can bring institutional change and expertise from abroad. From a human rights perspective, they can also play a major role in transitional justice processes to confront, understand, and find ways of compensating the human rights violations that have taken place.”
The 31 participants included authorities from OSCE participating States, experts and practitioners from civil society, including Ukrainian diaspora organizations, and academia from across the OSCE region. Speakers and participants reflected on specific characteristics of the Ukrainian diaspora, discussed key mobilizing drivers and possibilities for diaspora engagement.
The participants concluded that all those involved in reconstruction efforts, including the Ukrainian authorities and those in countries hosting the Ukrainian diaspora, should already consider strategies for enabling future engagement and ensuring the voice of the diaspora is heard and their contribution is fully recognised. In this regard, the focus on democratic institutions and human rights will be of key importance. Participants also learned more about ODIHR’s plans to bring diaspora scholars and Ukrainian diaspora organizations together to produce a set of related policy recommendations.