Human Rights of Armed Forces Personnel: Standards, Good Practices and Recommendations

The armed forces continue to play a key role in defending a democratic state and society by enabling a security environment that allows every individual to enjoy the inalienable human rights and fundamental freedoms to which they are entitled. As representatives of the state structure, armed forces personnel are bound to respect human rights and international humanitarian law in the exercise of their duties. But only when their rights are guaranteed within their own institution will armed forces personnel be likely to uphold these rights in the discharge of their tasks - both when in the barracks and during operations.
This compendium and related factsheets present an overview of legislation, policies, and mechanisms for ensuring the protection and enforcement of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of armed forces personnel. They include many examples and good practices from across the OSCE region that have proven successful. It also contains recommendations which can help participating States ensure that their policies and practices are in full compliance with international human rights standards and OSCE human dimension commitments.