Addressing Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes and the Security Needs of Muslim Communities
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This online event will host the launch of ODIHR’s publication on Understanding Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes - Addressing the Security Needs of Muslim Communities: A Practical Guide.
The meeting will also examine anti-Muslim intolerance, hate crimes and the security needs of Muslim communities in the OSCE region, while exploring comprehensive responses to address the problem.
Representatives of OSCE participating states, international organizations, civil society, religious or belief communities, interfaith bodies, academic and human rights institutions, and media agencies will attend the event, among other participants.
Why it is important
Hate crimes – including acts of violence, threats and property damage – target thousands of people in the OSCE area every year, including Muslims. Hate-motivated violence not only threatens the security of individuals and communities, but also of societies across the OSCE region and beyond.
Every anti-Muslim incident sends a message of hate and exclusion to Muslim individuals and communities. Such crimes also carry wider security challenges that instil fear and anxiety among Muslims as they go about their daily lives. This means that it also affects the practice of their religion, such as wearing Islamic attire, going to their mosque and celebrating Islamic holidays. By undermining social cohesion, hate crimes and other manifestations of intolerance polarize communities, and may even lead to further violence.
The publication
ODIHR’s Practical Guide on Understanding Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes - Addressing the Security Needs of Muslim Communities is designed to aid governments in their actions to prevent and combat hate crimes against Muslims. It describes key problems, such as the under-reporting and under-recording of hate crimes against Muslims.
In addition, the guide sets out practical steps that governments can take to address issues of security for Muslim communities – steps which are work in tandem with the efforts within these same communities.The aim is to meet the security needs of Muslim communities and individuals.
Registration and live streaming
Those interested to participate in the event can register here.
This event will be streamed live on ODIHR's Facebook page: