ODIHR launches new guidelines on political participation of people with disabilities at a side event in Warsaw
Under-representation of people with disabilities in political and public life and examples of positive practice contributing to more inclusive parliaments, political parties and democratic institutions were discussed at a side event organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 16 September 2019 during the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw.
“Over the past few years, ODIHR has improved the inclusion of people with disabilities in its work. However, much more needs to be done within the OSCE as an organization, as well as by participating States, to ensure equal participation of people with disabilities as full members of our societies,” said Tiina Kukkamaa-Bah, Chief of the ODIHR Democratic Governance and Gender Unit.
Among the 35 participants in the event were representatives of OSCE participating States, civil society organizations and disabled people’s organizations. The event featured the launch of the Guidelines on Promoting the Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities, which is intended as a practical resource for OSCE participating States to strengthen the ability of democratic institutions such as political parties and parliaments to engage and empower people with disabilities in political processes. The Guidelines are now also available in an easy-to-read format, which helps people with intellectual disabilities to access this information.
The side-event marks the end of the ODIHR project “Our right to participate – Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities in political and public life”. The project sought to raise awareness among different stakeholders at national and international levels of the importance of including people with disabilities in political and public life, as well as improved disability mainstreaming within ODIHR and OSCE executive structures.