OSCE/ODIHR event in Milan enhances capacity of civil society and lawyers to support hate crime victims

Strategies to effectively address hate crimes were the focus of a training course for civil society representatives and legal professionals working with hate crime victims, organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in co-operation with Italy’s Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and the Milan Bar Association in Milan on 11 and 12 April 2018.
“By monitoring and reporting bias-motivated incidents and increasing awareness through advocacy campaigns, civil society organizations play a crucial role in ODIHR’s conception of a comprehensive response to hate crime,” said James Stockstill, ODIHR Adviser on Civil Society Relations. “Stronger co-operation between civil society representatives and actors such as the Milan Bar Association will improve support for victims of hate crimes.”
Trainer Daniela Biella said: “The 7 legal professionals we trained during this course will join the free legal aid helpdesk that provides aid to the victims of hate crimes in Milan. With the support of ODIHR, we will be able to facilitate and encourage co-operation between lawyers and civil society to better protect victims, who should remain at the very centre of our activities.”
A total of 16 participants, including 15 women and 1 man, joined the course.
The event was part of ODIHR’s project Building a Comprehensive Criminal Justice Response to Hate Crime.