Trafficking in Human Beings: Implications for the OSCE
This report is intended as a first step in addressing the issue of trafficking within the OSCE framework. To this end, the report provides a working definition of trafficking in human beings, a general overview of the problem, a summary of the relevant OSCE commitments and international standards relating to trafficking, and a discussion of the status of implementation of anti-trafficking measures in the OSCE region.
The report summarizes current international efforts to combat trafficking and considers, on a preliminary basis, areas in which the OSCE may be uniquely well-placed to address aspects of the trafficking problem, without duplicating the work of others. Among other things, the report recommends that the OSCE integrate anti-trafficking measures into existing human-rights, civil society, and institution-building activities; provide training to staff of OSCE field missions; and undertake a leading role in combating trafficking in South-Eastern Europe as part of the OSCE mandate under the Stability Pact.
Finally, since primary responsibility for combating trafficking rests with the participating States, the report indicates a number of areas where the participating States could take concrete actions on the national and international levels to prevent and suppress trafficking and to protect the human rights of trafficked persons.
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