OSCE/ODIHR launches Hate Crime Reporting website
WARSAW, 17 June 2014 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today launched its Hate Crime Reporting website, transforming its annual hate crime report into an interactive and user-friendly resource.
The new website, which can be found at http://hatecrime.osce.org/, provides users with all of the materials and data contained in the paper report – “Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region – Incidents and Responses” – bringing together information provided by OSCE participating States, international organizations and civil society.
“This new instrument strengthens our role in collecting data on hate crime and in increasing public awareness of these crimes,” said Ambassador Janez Lenarčič, Director of ODIHR. “Ordinary citizens can now find information about their country and read ODIHR’s observations on that information in relation to OSCE commitments.”
Designed to complement the ODIHR website, the new platform presents hate crime data collected from across the OSCE region, organized thematically and by country.
“We are proud to unveil this new tool, which will help promote understanding of hate crime”, said Floriane Hohenberg, Head of the Tolerance and Non-discrimination department at ODIHR. “The data collected by ODIHR is now accessible to all users, and not just the expert community.”
The new website is part of ODIHR’s work in assisting governments in meeting their commitment as OSCE participating States to combat hate crime.