Protecting human rights during counter-terrorism investigations focus of new OSCE/ODIHR manual
A new manual for law enforcement officers on protecting and respecting human rights during counter-terrorism investigations was launched by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department/Strategic Police Matters Unit in Vienna on 29 November 2013.
The manual, Human Rights in Counter-Terrorism Investigations explores the main human rights issues that may arise during the different phases of counter-terrorism investigations. Among the topics included are the gathering of information and intelligence; the protection of witnesses and examination of crime scenes; the arrest, detention and interviewing of terrorist suspects; and the integrity and accountability of investigations.
“Respect for human rights in counter-terrorism investigations and prosecutions is indispensable to achieving effective results,” said Snježana Bokulić, Head of ODIHR’s Human Rights Department. “This manual is a resource that will support law enforcement officers in ensuring that human rights are protected and respected during all stages in the investigation of terrorism-related crimes.”
“While counter-terrorism measures are essential for countries to maintain security, stability, and social and economic development, these measures must, at the same time, ensure respect for the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms,” said Alexey Lyzhenkov, Director of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department. “Promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the context of counter-terrorism measures is one of the OSCE’s strategic priorities.”
The manual takes a hands-on approach and includes guidance, case studies and templates for a training curriculum. It is designed for law enforcement personnel working on counter-terrorism issues and prosecuting authorities supervising or otherwise involved in the prosecution of terrorism-related offences.
It is intended to be both a stand-alone tool and a supplement to ODIHR’s Countering Terrorism, Protecting Human Rights manual and training programme, which approaches the respect of human rights in the fight against terrorism from a legal standpoint.
The publication is available both online and in print.