OSCE demonstrates its impact in mitigating virtual asset risks

The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) shared its experience in tackling the multifaceted challenges posed by virtual assets during an event organized by the British Embassy and the Serious and Organised Crime Network in Riga, Latvia, on 20 March.
Participants discussed a wide range of virtual asset and cryptocurrency topics including digital asset seizure and confiscation, the 2025 Crypto Crime Report, and responses to virtual assets abuse. OCEEA presented the impact of its extra-budgetary project “Innovative policy solutions to mitigate money laundering risks of virtual assets” to an audience of practitioners, experts and policymakers from several OSCE participating States.
“There are three main takeaways from the OSCE’s work on virtual assets”, said Vera Strobachova-Budway, Head of OCEEA’s Economic Governance Unit, in her closing remarks. “First, international co-operation is a must — what we do in one country will have an impact on another; second, we need to learn from each other; and third, awareness raising and education on the risks and benefits of virtual assets is key.”
The OCEEA extra-budgetary project on virtual assets is financially supported by Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.