OSCE launches Open Data e-learning platform for Uzbekistan

On 23 September 2022, the Office of the Co-ordinator of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) participated in the Second Tashkent Anti-Corruption Forum, organized by the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) of the Republic of Uzbekistan, jointly with international partner organizations. The event gathered more than 100 participants representing national and foreign anti-corruption authorities, civil-society organizations and other stakeholders to discuss transparency and integrity measures in the public sector, assessing anti-corruption risks, as well as anti-corruption education.
OCEEA representatives briefed participants on the support provided by the Office to anti-corruption reforms in the country, including in legislation on public sector transparency and integrity and capacity building of civil servants on open data. OCEEA presented the Open Data E-learning Platform, an important milestone in training civil servants on the use and analysis of open data in support of anti-corruption work. The Platform, developed through OSCE support and launched this week, allows the continuous training of civil servants responsible for data management in public administration.
"The government data once opened to the public and civil society organizations for re-use and re-publication becomes an important tool for the efficient public oversight of governmental activities. Publicly available government data also brings additional benefits to the country’s economy by stimulating businesses that use the data to develop their digital products and contribute to improving the business climate. Taking into account all these factors, this creates a win-win situation for governments, businesses and society as a whole,” said Igli Hasani, the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities in his remarks at the plenary session of the Forum.
The project activities and the development of the E-learning Platform were in line with the implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding between OCEEA and the ACA, which was signed in November 2021, and organized in the framework of the extra-budgetary project "Promoting good governance and a positive business climate in the OSCE region through digitalization and the use of open data" funded by the United States and Poland.