Promoting complementary legal pathways for the displaced to prevent smuggling, trafficking and exploitation
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Organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA), the side event“Promoting complementary legal pathways for the displaced to prevent smuggling, trafficking and exploitation” wishes to discuss challenges and opportunities when designing education and employment-based complementary legal pathways.
The objective is to raise awareness on how the OSCE, in co-operation with relevant stakeholders, can assist the participating States in responding to the needs of displaced populations, considering the growing uncertainty generated by multiple crises,particularly in and around the OSCE region.
- Teresa Albano, Economic Affairs Officer, Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and EnvironmentalActivities (OCEEA)
- Lorenzo Rilasciati, Deputy Coordinator (a.i.), Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic andEnvironmental Activities (OCEEA)
- Anna Gekht, Senior Resettlement & Complementary Pathways Officer, Division of International Protection, United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Geneva
- Marco Borraccetti, University of Bologna, Italy: “Universities as sponsors of complementary pathways fordisplaced people”
- Zvezda Vankova, postdoctoral fellow, Lund University: “Refugees as Migrant Workers. Labour Migrationas Alternative for Refugee Protection”
- Chris Richmond: “It takes an algorithm. How artificial intelligence can help mapping education andemployment-relevant skills towards university and labour market inclusion of displaced populations”
- Luca Pianese, Senior migration and security expert, Office of the Secretary General, OSCE
Organizational modalities:
The side event will take place on-line via Zoom platform. To access the event please, follow the below link and passcode:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 976 8410 1813
Passcode: 99804095