OSCE Mission supports combatting cybercrime in Montenegro
Cyber terrorism as a new cyber threat was the focus of a conference organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, United States Embassy and the Judiciary Training Centre, which took place on 12-13 March 2015 in Budva.
The aim of the conference was to discuss and share best practices in fighting new trends in cybercrime such as the use of the internet for recruitment purposes by extremist organizations and terrorist cyber-attacks on information systems. The conference also focused on international co-operation in this area, primarily on challenges in co-operation between Montenegro and neighbouring countries.
Some 45 judges, prosecutors and police representatives from the United States, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro had the opportunity to exchange their experiences and best practices on the implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code related to combating cyber terrorism.
“Cybersecurity is an international issue and a transnational threat,” said U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Bix Aliu. “We therefore need to have strong international co-operation against cyber terrorism, in order to be more effective in our fight against this phenomenon.”
Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Dan Redford, said that there is a real danger in cyber terrorism, especially global IT networks, which can become a highly effective and pernicious tool in the hands of modern-day terrorists. “Given such a global danger, a determined, resolute and co-ordinated response is of key importance. It is crucial to provide concrete assistance in increasing the professional capacities of judges, prosecutors and police to ensure the fullest implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code, especially in those areas relating to cybercrime.”
Redford reiterated the OSCE’s continued support to Montenegro’s rule of law efforts, and said this conference would serve as a practical tool to facilitate them. To follow up on the conference, the OSCE Mission will organize three additional training courses during the course of 2015, in order to improve participants’ knowledge in the sensitive area of cybercrime.