OSCE-led seminar on Police capacity building held in Podgorica
A seminar “Priorities and Responsibilities in Fostering Police Integrity in Montenegro” was held in Podgorica on 25 September 2014.
The event, organised by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and the OSCE Mission, in co-operation with the Interior Ministry, Parliament of Montenegro, Council for Civil Control of Police, and NGO Institut Alternativa, provided a platform for dialogue about the achievements, challenges and future efforts towards strengthening police integrity.
Fostering a culture of integrity in their daily work is the primary responsibility of the Montenegrin police service, especially through the efficient management and development of human resources, operations and a system of internal accountability and control.
Ambassador Janina Hrebickova, Head of OSCE Mission to Montenegro, stressed the importance of the fight against police corruption and misconduct. “The Judiciary and Fundamental Rights chapter of the EU requires Montenegro to take measures to strengthen its fight against corruption in the police administration, at all levels, and to enhance police integrity. The OSCE will continue to support the Montenegrin government in these processes,” said Hrebickova.
Paulo Costa, Head of DCAF’s Police Programme in Southeast Europe said: “DCAF’s Police Integrity Building Programme provides guidance to a broad range of stakeholders on how to develop and sustain police services that function in line with the democratic standards of accountability, transparency and respect for human rights. The integrity of the police is essential in fostering the confidence of citizens and maintaining the longstanding security and stability of the state.”
Representatives of the Interior Ministry , Police Directorate, Parliament, Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative, Agency for Personal Data and Free Access to Information, Commission for the Prevention of Conflict of Interest, Council for Civilian Control of Police, Police Academy, Civil Society, Ombudsman and Media attended the seminar .
The event was organized with financial support from the Embassy of Switzerland, under the framework of the 2014 Swiss OSCE Chairmanship.