OSCE-supported training develops news team skills at Montenegro's public broadcaster
7 November 2013
Enhancing abilities in news reporting at Radio-Television of Montenegro (RTCG) was the aim of a nine day professional training course attended by its news gathering teams in Podgorica on 7 November, supported by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro.
Guided by trainers from Croatia’s public service broadcaster, Radio-Television of Croatia (HRT), Tomislav Špoljar and Darko Flajpan, RTCG’s journalists, editors, camerapersons, and video editors benefited from individual instruction and discussion on modern TV news techniques and on the role of public service media in today’s rapidly changing technologies.
The aim of the training was to help bring RTCG’s news production in line with international television standards and best reporting practices, as well as being compatible with new available technologies, through the transformation to digital broadcasting.