Concerts bring together young musicians from both sides of Dniestr/Nistru River

Young music students and professional musicians from both sides of Dniestr/Nistru River gave joint concerts in Pervomaisk and Chisinau on 17 and 20 May 2011 as part of an effort by the OSCE Mission to Moldova to build confidence across the Dniestr/Nistru River.
“Confidence-building measures should include children and young people as well, and these concerts are excellent opportunities to bring together young people from both sides,” said Ken Pickles, Politico-Military Officer in the OSCE Mission to Moldova.
Children from the Pervomaisk School of Arts performed together with students from the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts in Chisinau and soloists from the Chisinau Philharmonic and Opera. The concerts, which highlighted Russian music, were introduced by Irina Martiniuc, a resident musicologist at the Chisinau Philharmonic who initiated the events.
The concerts promoted contacts among the youth and helped build mutual confidence in the cultural sphere. Similar concerts will be held later in the year with the participation of music schools and academies from other parts of the left and right banks of the Dniestr/Nistru River.