OSCE Mission to Moldova-supported jazz workshop and concerts build cultural bridges across the Dniester/Nistru River

The OSCE Mission to Moldova supported three concerts and one workshop within the 14th Ethno Jazz Festival, one of the largest cultural events in Moldova, which took place in Chisinau, Teleneşti and Tiraspol between 23 and 27 September 2015. The Mission’s involvement was aimed at building cultural bridges and enhancing intercultural dialogue between people on both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River.
OSCE-supported concerts included performances in Teleneşti and Tiraspol by the Tiraspol-based Liberty band and the Madame Baheux ensemble, which brings together artists from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Serbia. Meanwhile, Moldovan artists from the Trigon and In Duo bands performed in Tiraspol alongside the Park Stickney Trio from the United States.
As part of the Festival, some 35 students and teachers of music from the Art Institute of Tiraspol had the opportunity to hone their musicianship skills in a workshop conducted by Christoph Stiefel & Lisette Spinnler from Switzerland.
The Ethno Jazz Festival has been held every year in Moldova since 2001. With the support of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, the Festival has been able to expand to other towns on both sides of the Dniester/Nistru River, including most recently Bălți, Comrat, Teleneşti and Tiraspol.