OSCE Mission to Skopje supports marking the Day of the Judiciary

An independent and efficient judiciary as a protector of citizens’ rights and freedoms was the focus of a conference organized to mark the Day of the Judiciary on 31 March 2017 in Skopje by the OSCE Mission and the Association of Judges.
Some 100 judges and senior judicial officials exchanged views on the important role of the judiciary as a guarantor of the rule of law and the fundamental rights of the citizens.
“Our Mission has found solid partners in the judiciary. Together we have implemented many projects of great relevance that have served to strengthen the country’s institutions,” said the Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje Nina Suomalainen. “Further efforts are needed. There are still many challenges ahead, especially related to judicial independence and the impartiality and efficiency of courts. I hope that all relevant institutions will step up their efforts and face up to the challenges.”
The British Ambassador Charles Garrett, whose Embassy financially supported the previous events in Stip, Bitola and Skopje that led to today’s final event, said: “The rule of law, and the concepts it protects, are central to political debate today. They are central to the Przino agreement and the search for a sustainable exit from the political crisis. In all democracies the rule of law is the foundation stone on which freedom, fairness, respect, prosperity – everything we really want – is based. When everything we do is built on that foundation, society will be stronger, for citizens today and for future generations.”
Xhemali Saiti, Justice of the Supreme Court and President of the Association of Judges, said: “The idea for the project ‘Days of Judiciary’ derived from the need to affirm the judges’ stance on judicial impartiality and independence. Through this project, the perception of trust in the judiciary is also surveyed.”