OSCE Mission to Serbia organizes conference on alternative criminal measures and sanctions

The OSCE Mission to Serbia organized a conference on alternative criminal measures and sanctions on 8 June 2018, in Belgrade.
Over 80 judges, prosecutors, lawyers, representatives of the Justice Ministry and members of academia gathered to discuss norms of criminal law and procedure with respect to alternative criminal sanctions, as well as relevant jurisprudence and enforcement of these measures.
The concept of alternative sanctions is relatively new in the Serbian criminal justice system. It was introduced by the new Criminal Code, the Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions, as well as the Law on Juvenile Offenders in 2006. This new legal framework created the legal grounds for applying alternative criminal sentences, as an alternative to more traditional ones.
“I believe that alternatives to incarceration will help tackle crime efficiently and reduce the chance of reoffending. Community service, suspended sentences, rehabilitation programs and employment opportunities are useful tools for achieving reintegration of offenders in the society,” said the Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Andrea Orizio. “Alternative measures are another example of the Mission’s support to Serbia’s reforms in the area of the rule of law,” he added.
The conference was also used as an opportunity to present the new OSCE-edited publication Alternative Criminal Measures and Sanctions – Regional Legal Framework, Best Practices and Ways of Improvement, which includes 18 papers from distinguished practitioners and professors in the region.
The OSCE Mission to Serbia will continue to support all initiatives aimed at improving the performance of the criminal justice system, including the enforcement of court decisions.