OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports RYCO to train NGOs on project proposal writing

Reconciliation, peacebuilding, regional co-operation and intercultural learning were the focus of the OSCE-supported three-day capacity building training course for potential grant applicants to the ongoing Open Call of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) “RYCOnnecting You(th)”.
From 6 to 9 November, with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, representatives of 20 NGOs from across Montenegro learned how to develop project proposals through innovative methodologies for youth outreach and to establish regional partnerships to enhance project impact and visibility.
Opening the training session, Minister of Sports and Youth Dragoslav Šćekić stated that the Open Call for projects that address peacebuilding and reconciliation through youth engagement laid the foundations on which we can build a better and more connected future for all of us. “The funds that have been set aside for this call indicate RYCO’s commitment to investing in projects that, by building the capacity of NGOs, will provide young people with the opportunity for dialogue, mutual connection and intercultural learning,” said Minister Šćekić.
Giovanni Gabassi, Acting Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, stated that this workshop provided participants with the opportunity to learn more about regional co-operation and intercultural learning. “It provides young people with opportunities that create space for dialogue and mutual understanding through projects, in partnership with their peers from the Western Balkan region,” said Gabassi.
Edin Koljenović, Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, said that almost 200 NGOs had participated in such training courses over the last two years. “We have prepared them not only to apply for funds awarded by RYCO, but we have strengthened their capacities to develop project proposals for other funds,” said Koljenović.
Together with RYCO, the Mission recognizes the role of youth in Montenegro, and will continue to promote the spirit of reconciliation, dialogue and co-operation between them, enhancing youth participation and mobility.