OSCE Mission to Montenegro together with RYCO trains NGOs on project proposal writing

New skills acquired in translating project ideas into proposals to respond to Regional Youth Co-operation Office (RYCO) open call for proposals was the outcome of a three-day training course on project writing, organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the RYCO local branch office in Budva from 8 to 11 November.
This training course gathered 22 NGOs whose representatives developed project writing and management skills to transform ideas into concrete projects to promote regional exchange and reconciliation amongst youth.
Closing the training course, Siv-Katrine Leirtroe, Deputy Head of Mission, noted that civil society activists know the importance of young people engaging with one another in the region, to develop ideas and approaches to connect young people in schools and municipalities across Montenegro and further afield in the Western Balkans. “Through this training workshop, I am confident that it also afforded you time to make new friends and find like-minded people. Hopefully with the people you met this week may lead to other opportunities for co-operation and joint future projects,” said Leirtroe.
Edin Koljenović, Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, said that over 100 NGO representatives from Montenegro participated in this kind of training course. “The best indicator of the success is that, trained participants’ projects were positively evaluated and funded through the RYCO calls,” said Koljenović.
RYCO is an independent institutional mechanism established by the six contracting parties of the Western Balkans to promote the spirit of reconciliation and co-operation among young people, through youth exchange programmes.
The Mission will continue to support young people to take on a leadership roles, be agents of change and contribute to their communities, playing a crucial part in regional youth reconciliation.