OSCE Mission to Montenegro provides Parliament with valuable IT equipment
As part of the long-standing partnership with Parliament, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro provided IT equipment to it on 30 October 2021.
The equipment, among other things, included 20 laptops that will support E-Parliament and electronic sessions in the Blue Salon.
Aleksandar Klarić, Parliament's Secretary General, in thanking the Mission, said: “The co-operation of Parliament with the Mission is an example of a sincere partnership based on a clear vision of improving democratic capacities and transparency of the work of Montenegro’s highest legislative institution.”
Following a request from Aleksa Bečić, Speaker of Parliament, in April this year the Mission supported the work of Parliament through providing the video equipment for livestreaming and broadcasting parliamentary committees.
The Mission will continue to implement projects focused on improving the openness and transparency of Parliament, as well as strengthening the capacity of the committees and the parliamentary staff.