OSCE Mission to Montenegro and EU Delegation launch three-year trial-monitoring project to support a more effective administration of justice

The OSCE Mission to Montenegro has commenced the implementation of the three-year project “Supporting a More Effective Administration of Justice in Corruption and Organised Crime Cases through Trial Monitoring,” funded by the European Union.
The project aims to support effective administration of justice in organised crime and corruption cases, by enhancing evidence-based knowledge and understanding of judicial responses. The project will collect data through trial monitoring of selected cases of corruption and organised crime in line with the ODIHR methodology, conducting media analysis and identifying systemic gaps to provide recommendations.
The Mission and the Delegation organised an online event on 8 July with the presence of representatives of civil society organisations and journalists, aiming to explain the project’s objective, methodology and planned activities.
Opening the event, Radu Cotici, Mission’s Project Manager, pointed out that the project has its roots in the 2018 Sofia Summit Declaration and the agreement made thereby to introduce trial monitoring in the field of corruption and organised crime. He stressed that the project will act as a mechanism to support the authorities in the implementation of the legislation on combating organised crime and corruption and that civil society has an important role in both shaping and acting upon the recommendations.
Akvile Normantiene, Political Affairs Officer of the EU Delegation, highlighted the importance of the newly launched initiative, noting that Montenegro’s progress in accession negotiations the EU will be determined by progress on rule of law and in particular the ability to demonstrate a solid track record of fighting corruption and organised crime.
The project is implemented regionally through the OSCE in five South Eastern Europe jurisdictions, in close partnership with the European Commission and European Union Delegations in the region.