OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports organizational meeting between Regional Youth Co-operation Office and its local branch offices

To support further organizational development of the Regional Youth Co-operation Office (RYCO), the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized of a meeting for six RYCO Local Branch Offices and RYCO Headquarters from 21 to 25 June.
Around 20 RYCO staff members met to discuss programmatic issues with respect to the new RYCO Strategy 2022-2024. They discussed how to implement RYCO’s work plan for the second half of 2021 and how local branch offices can register in their respective jurisdictions.
Opening the meeting, Edin Koljenović, Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro said such meetings are crucial for internal consolidation and planning upcoming activities. “We are happy that our local partners, especially the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, have recognized this need and supported us in this endeavour,” said Koljenović.
Albert Hani, newly elected RYCO Secretary General said that RYCO Local Branch Offices are the driving force in implementing RYCO’s mission and bringing change to the region. He pointed out the need to further foster exchanges among the Local Branch Offices.
This organizational meeting was part of the overall assistance that the Mission provides to the Montenegrin RYCO Local Branch Office in capacity-building and enhancing visibility.