Youth’s potential in preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalization discussed at OSCE-supported workshop in Montenegro
Young people represent the most vulnerable group exposed to violent extremism and radicalization, but also have the greatest potential to combat and prevent it. This was the conclusion of a two-day workshop on youth engagement to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE) and radicalization, organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the Ministry of Sports and Youth on 6 and 7 July 2020 in Bečići.
Around 30 young people from all over Montenegro gathered to discuss basic concepts and definitions in the field of preventing and combating violent extremism, its drivers, existing prevention programmes in Montenegro and the region, and the national prevention framework.
Nenad Koprivica, Director of the Directorate for Youth in the Ministry of Sports and Youth, said that the potential of youth in combating radicalization and preventing violent extremism lies in promoting peace-building, tolerance and intercultural learning.
Dragan Pejanović, State Secretary in the Ministry of Interior and National P/CVE Co-ordinator of Montenegro, said that radicalization is a threat to which everyone is potentially exposed. “Children and young people are at particular risk, so we are all obliged to do everything in our power to help young people build and maintain a positive value system,” said Pejanović. “Continuous education and active involvement of all segments of society are key in the fight against extremism.”
Ivana Vujović, the OSCE Mission’s Democratization National Programme Officer, said that violent extremism and radicalization are complex, multi-faceted challenges, not confined to borders. “Prevention is the key to the solution. Youth are the key actors. Civil society, policymakers and practitioners must come together to advance prevention initiatives,” said Vujović. She recalled that in November 2019 the Mission organized a similar workshop for 20 young men and women from across Montenegro.