OSCE-supported delegation of Montenegrin media professionals meets their Danish counterparts in Copenhagen
The OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized a two-day study visit to Copenhagen, Denmark for six media professionals from Montenegro. The group met with representatives of the Danish Press Council, the Danish Journalist Union, the Politiken and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation on 24 and 25 September 2019.
The six representatives from Montenegro were: Ranko Vujović, Secretary of the Media Council for Self-Regulation, Aneta Spaić, Member of the Media Council for Self-Regulation, Slavica Jovanović, co-owner of the daily Dan, Borislav Višnjić, editor-in-chief of RTCG News Programme, Paula Petričević, ombudswoman of the daily Vijesti and weekly Monitor, and Mihajlo Jovović, Programmatic Director at the daily newspaper Vijesti.
The main topics of their discussion were the significance of media self-regulation in Denmark and Montenegro, freedom of the media, safety of journalists, unresolved cases of attacks on journalists, confidentiality of sources and data, and traditional versus digital media.
Daniel Blank, the OSCE Mission Media Programme Manager, said that this visit was an excellent opportunity for the Montenegrin delegation to hear more on media self-regulation practices from the leading institutions in Denmark. “The OSCE Mission recognizes the need for strong and highly professional self-regulation as a precondition for responsible, accurate and precise media. In the world where changes are constant and the flow of information is overwhelming, media should strive to be strong and consistent with the Code of Ethics,” said Blank.
This visit is a continuation of the support of the OSCE Mission to strengthen self-regulatory mechanisms in Montenegro and to promote the concept of self-regulation, in order to contribute to the professional reporting of Montenegrin media outlets and their adherence to professional standards promoted by the Code of Ethics.