OSCE supported train-the-trainers workshop for parliamentary staff
The OSCE Mission to Montenegro held a two-day train-the-trainers workshop for parliamentary staff on communication and presentation skills, which concluded on 24 May 2019 in Podgorica. The event was organized in co-operation with the Department for Human Resources of the parliament.
The aim of the workshop was to strengthen the parliamentary services, which in turn improves the overall capacity of the parliament.
Mirko Mijanović of the parliament’s Department for Human Resources said that the training will contribute to establishing a sustainable system within parliament, whereby staff can transfer specific knowledge among each other.
The parliamentary services represent the institutional memory of the parliament and provide ongoing institutional support to the Members of Parliament. This training course serves as a tool for establishing a pool of trainers who can continue internal training and coaching of staff independently. The need for train-the-trainers workshop was identified on the basis of feedback from participants who took part in OSCE-supported training in previous years.
The Mission has organized train-the-trainers workshop for parliamentary staff on principles of managing change, developing vision statements and project goals, adult learning principles and modern tools to support changes in the working environment. It also worked with the parliamentary staff to address organizational issues and to develop a systematic approach to managing the constantly changing environment within the parliament.