OSCE Mission to Moldova supports the country’s efforts in managing small arms and light weapons

On 25 July, the Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Claus Neukirch, and the Defence Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Pavel Voicu, paid a joint visit to the military base in the city of Floresti in the north of Moldova. The visit offered an opportunity to assess the implementation of the OSCE Mission’s project on explosive risk mitigation. The project is run in co-operation with the Ministry. It aims at improving the general safety and security of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova living in the close vicinity of the ammunitions depots.
At the military base, the Head of Mission and the Minister personally reviewed procedures of visual inspection of ammunition and the implementation of best international practice of physical security and stockpile management by the National Army. Head of the Mission Neukirch also handed over to Brigadier General Igor Gorgan, Chief of the National Army General Staff and Commander of the National Army, the keys of two medical first-aid and sanitary containers.
“The Mission supports the National Army of Moldova in its efforts to ensure proper and secure management of the storage of small arms and munitions, which will make Moldova safer and set a good example for the region,” Neukirch said.
Minister of Defence Voicu expressed his appreciation for the OSCE’s contribution to helping Moldova in fulfilling the country’s international and national commitments and responsibilities with respect to small arms and light weapons (SALW) as well as conventional ammunition.
The Mission has been supporting the Ministry of Defence in the area of SALW since 2006. To this end, the National Army of Moldova was assisted in destroying outdated conventional ammunition and upgrading the management and security of the remaining stocks. Most recently in 2016, multiple storage facilities were renovated and security and surveillance systems were installed. The Mission has also facilitated training for Moldovan officers in physical security and stockpile management.