OSCE launches project on prevention of cyberbullying in Brčko District of BiH

BRČKO, 22 May 2023 – The OSCE Mission to BiH (the Mission), in co-operation with the Brčko District Government’s Police and Education Department, launched the “No to Internet violence!” project today. The project focuses on preventing and addressing cyberbullying.
The launch was attended by representatives of schools, NGOs, and the media, as well as the Brčko Municipal Committee for Youth, the Brčko District Police, and the Education Department of the Brčko District Government.
Part of the project is dedicated to campaigning against internet violence. The campaign will last several months and employ a billboard campaign, video production, media outreach and inter-active workshops.
Project partners include school directors, NGOs, and members of the media and government.
Sabrina Schirmer, Head of the Mission’s Brčko Field Office, addressed participants at the launch, elaborating that the project will establish response mechanisms for the protection and raising of awareness among youth against violence on the internet.
“The 2020 Study published by Institute for Youth Development KULT suggests that on average, 3,6 % of young people in the Brčko District of BiH admit to have been victims of internet violence. As with all other forms of violence and given its sensitive nature, the estimated number of unreported cases may be considerably higher,” she added.
Participants at the launch were informed of the results of a recent survey conducted by the Education Department of Brčko District Government on cyberbullying, and discussed how to recognize internet violence. The Brčko Police elaborated on the security of students at schools.
Building off of the “No to Internet violence!” in Brčko District, the Mission will continue to support activities addressing cyberbullying and the safety of young people in BiH.