OSCE conducts training course on judicial ethics and professional conduct in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) conducted on 24 October 2019, in Sarajevo, a training course on ethical standards and disciplinary practice for judges, prosecutors and legal associates. The training was organized in co-operation with the Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centre of the Federation of BiH.
The course focused on the substance of the codes of ethics for judges and prosecutors, in order to develop the participants’ understanding of the concepts and obligations related to the codes of ethics, and conflict of interest.
“The role of ethics and the high standard of behaviour that is demanded of judicial office holders cannot be overemphasized,” stated Meriton Pajaziti, Legal Advisor at the OSCE Mission to BiH. “Given the damaging impact that non-adherence to these standards can have, the OSCE Mission to BiH is working together with the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel to address this pernicious threat. This is done through promoting adherence to the codes of ethics among judges and prosecutors.”
Mirza Hadžiomerović, Deputy Chief Disciplinary Counsel, stressed the importance of strengthening the theoretical and practical knowledge of judges and prosecutors in facing ethical challenges while performing their duties. „The Office of the Disciplinary Counsel is grateful to international partners, including the OSCE Mission to BiH, for acknowledging the importance of this training course and for their support in organizing it,“ he added.
Participants also had the opportunity to learn about practical examples of violations of judicial ethics and professional conduct that were subject to disciplinary procedure by the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel of the BiH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council.