OSCE Mission in Kosovo supports training on Braille voting ahead of 14 February elections
The OSCE Mission concluded on 12 February 2021 a series of five workshops with the Association of the Blind of Kosovo (ABK) to support blind and visually impaired voters to vote independently ahead of the parliamentary elections.
Through these workshops, around 1,300 blind and visually impaired voters were trained to vote using Braille templates provided by the Central Election Commission.
“Voting is one of the instruments of accountability in the hands of people. In a democratic society, it is also a responsibility. For this reason, all conditions should be in place to allow every person on the voter list to cast his or her vote independently and in private,” said Kilian Wahl, Acting Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, to workshop participants in Prishtinë/Priština.
“We should all remember that every vote is equal, and every single vote counts. So you can make a difference,” Wahl added.
ABK trainers from ABK branches across Kosovo conducted the workshops.