OSCE Mission helps build youth coalitions against violent extremism in Kosovo

The first edition of a training course organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo for young community activists entitled “Leaders against intolerance and violent extremism (LIVE)” concluded on 29 June 2018 in Prishtinë/Priština.
The course, consisting of two modules held in April and June, respectively, focused on developing the skills of participants in recognizing and understanding issues related to violent extremism and radicalism that lead to terrorism (VERLT), building resilience and formulating counter-messages to condemn and delegitimize extremism. It also aimed at promoting alternative positive narratives and opportunities for change.
“Violent extremism and radicalism is a problem that affects many people in the world today, in different ways and shapes. The LIVE training course will help young women and men from Kosovo to recognize all forms of VERLT that may exist in their local communities, address it properly, and develop activities for its prevention at the local level,” said Oliver Schuett, Chief of the Public Participation Section at the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.
Three more editions of LIVE will be held. The second and third, also for young individuals and members of civic society organizations, will take place in July/September and October/December, while the fourth edition, for civil servants and employees of Kosovo institutions, is planned for the first quarter of 2019. Upon completion of all four courses, a total of 60 young people will be equipped with the tools and skills necessary to prevent and counter violent extremism.
Participants will also develop and implement initiatives at the local level, addressing and preventing specific VERLT issues faced by their local communities.
The LIVE training initiative is part of the OSCE’s efforts to counter VERLT based on its Declaration on Preventing and Countering VERLT adopted in 2015, which calls upon the organization’s executive structures to “strengthen the role of civil society, women, youth and religious leaders” in efforts to prevent and counter VERLT.
The LIVE programme in Kosovo is the first such initiative implemented by an OSCE field operation, with funds from the Norwegian government.