Kosovo Mission supports return of displaced persons to southern Mitrovica
Not only were their houses demolished in the armed conflict, but in the aftermath of the war, continuing tensions prevented them from earning a living through trade and casual labour.
According to Maria-Agnese Giordano, Democratization Officer at the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, most of them now live in Serbia proper or third countries.
"Around 800 of those most interested in returning now live in three camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Serb-dominated northern Kosovo, including northern Mitrovica," says Maria.
"To be able to return, they needed to start reconstructing their houses and they also need to find jobs to make a living."
Integrated return process
Maria points out that in addition to reconstruction, an integrated return process also includes income generation opportunities, access to education and health care and dialogue with the community to which the RAE are returning.
Just 18 months ago, such returns to Roma Mahalla would have been impossible, due to the tensions in the divided city of Mitrovica.
But as the situation gradually improved, a number of international organizations, the Kosovo Government, the Mitrovica city authorities and representatives of the RAE IDPs came together in June 2005 to start planning returns to Roma Mahalla (mahalla is a Turkish word meaning 'neighbourhood').
Co-ordinated plan of action
With their efforts co-ordinated by the OSCE, the group developed a comprehensive plan for the return process.
"We formed a three-stage plan: to raise funds for reconstruction; to train young people from returning RAE communities in skills needed in reconstruction; and to ensure that the young people were employed by the company that won the tender for the reconstruction of Roma Mahalla," explains Maria.
In this way, the RAE would get the opportunity to actively participate in the reconstruction of their homes, generate income and develop social contacts with the receiving Kosovo Albanian community - their co-workers.
In less than a year, the funds necessary to begin reconstruction had been raised. The UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo and the Kosovo Government each committed 250,000 euros for the reconstruction, while the UK Government gave a further 39,000 euros for vocational training.
Beginning vocational training
"In October 2005, 51 of us joined a vocational training programme organized by the OSCE," says Enis Rusiti, a 17-year-old Roma youth who has no formal education. "For me, it was a unique opportunity to gain work skills."
Mladen Vukicevic heads a local NGO - Community Building Mitrovica - that was the OSCE's implementing partner for the vocational training in masonry, insulation, carpentry and tinsmithing, as well as in painting, decorating and carpet weaving and knitting.
"Enis specialized in welding," says Mladen, "which is just one of the courses we offer. Our aim is to equip both young men and women with the skills necessary for the reconstruction of Mahalla, as well as for future income generation."
Returning with dignity
The reconstruction of the Mahalla officially began on 25 April 2006. At a ceremony marking the beginning of the reconstruction, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Kosovo, Søren Jessen-Petersen, said: "Today we are literally paving the way for the return in freedom, safety and in dignity for many of you who have been displaced for far too long."
By then, 31 young RAE had successfully completed their six-month long vocational training. Six of them, including Enis, now have jobs with the Al-Trade Company, which won the tender to begin reconstruction of Roma Mahalla. More will be employed as reconstruction advances and their skills are required.
Of course, the commitment of more than half a million euros and the fact that 31 RAE are working on reconstruction will not enable the return of all Mahalla's pre-1999 inhabitants. But it's a good start.
Looking towards the future
Additional funds for reconstruction are being committed by the Norwegian and Irish Governments, the UN Development Programme, the Swedish International Development Agency, and the European Agency for Reconstruction.
Although the return of the displaced RAE to Mahalla Roma was delayed due to security concerns, the process has now finally started.
And some of Enis's friends who have been trained in carpet weaving and knitting are already starting to sell their products in the markets of Mitrovica, both north and south.
"I hope that more of my friends will get a chance to receive training and get jobs, so that we can get our homes back sooner," says Enis.
"Once we are done working in the Mahalla, I hope to be able to get a job, either with this construction company or another one, and maybe start a family."