OSCE's Kosovo Law Centre assists students in studying abroad
PRISTINA 29 August 2002

(Kotek/OSCE)Students at a debate on the importance of voting and participating
in elections at Pristina University Law Faculty, organized by the
OSCE Mission to Kosovo, October 2001.
(Kotek/OSCE) Photo details
PRISTINA, 29 August 2002 - Eight students from the Law Faculty of the University of Prishtina/Pristina will travel to The Netherlands on 1 September to continue their studies under a special scholarship. The programme, facilitated by the Kosovo Law Centre (KLC), will enable two post-graduate students in International and European Law and six undergraduate students to study at the University of Utrecht.
The KLC facilitated scholarship programme with the University of Utrecht began in 2001, with three law students studying for two trimesters.
This year, following a visit to Utrecht by a delegation from the KLC and the Law Faculty, it was agreed upon that the University would admit eight Kosovo law students for the forthcoming academic year, 2002-2003. The Dutch Government would cover the students' expenses and the KLC was assigned the responsibility for the selection.
In close co-operation with the Law Faculty and international professors, the KLC compiled a test for the candidates and set up a selection panel. After issuing a written exam, a short list of candidates was made for oral interviews. Eventually, eight candidates were deemed eligible. Prior to their departure, they were required to participate in KLC training sessions. The first two students will study for a period of one year 2002-2003, and the other six from September 2002 to March 2003.
The KLC believes the studies will be useful for them as well as for their contribution to Kosovo's society. The legal knowledge gained will be useful in helping the legal and education reform process in Kosovo.
The KLC was established by the OSCE as a non-governmental organization in June 2000 as part of its institution-building mandate. The Centre serves as a legal think-tank devoted to the cultivation of professional legal skills and provides technical and material assistance to the legal community. The KLC's goal is to promote democratic principles, multiculturalism, high ethical standards, human rights, and the rule of law. The Centre has been closely working with the Department of Education of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) on reforming the Law Faculty. It also runs various legal education projects (Practical Legal Clinics, Continuous Legal Education, Street Law) and is active in publishing and disseminating legal materials as well as in legal research.
The KLC facilitated scholarship programme with the University of Utrecht began in 2001, with three law students studying for two trimesters.
This year, following a visit to Utrecht by a delegation from the KLC and the Law Faculty, it was agreed upon that the University would admit eight Kosovo law students for the forthcoming academic year, 2002-2003. The Dutch Government would cover the students' expenses and the KLC was assigned the responsibility for the selection.
In close co-operation with the Law Faculty and international professors, the KLC compiled a test for the candidates and set up a selection panel. After issuing a written exam, a short list of candidates was made for oral interviews. Eventually, eight candidates were deemed eligible. Prior to their departure, they were required to participate in KLC training sessions. The first two students will study for a period of one year 2002-2003, and the other six from September 2002 to March 2003.
The KLC believes the studies will be useful for them as well as for their contribution to Kosovo's society. The legal knowledge gained will be useful in helping the legal and education reform process in Kosovo.
The KLC was established by the OSCE as a non-governmental organization in June 2000 as part of its institution-building mandate. The Centre serves as a legal think-tank devoted to the cultivation of professional legal skills and provides technical and material assistance to the legal community. The KLC's goal is to promote democratic principles, multiculturalism, high ethical standards, human rights, and the rule of law. The Centre has been closely working with the Department of Education of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) on reforming the Law Faculty. It also runs various legal education projects (Practical Legal Clinics, Continuous Legal Education, Street Law) and is active in publishing and disseminating legal materials as well as in legal research.