OSCE Mission in Kosovo streamlines field presence
PRISTINA 9 January 2002
In the last two years, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo has opened offices in many regions of the province. (Lubomir Kotek/OSCE) Photo details
PRISTINA, 9 January 2002 - Over the last two years, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo has had offices or centres across almost the whole of Kosovo. This reflected the OSCE's commitment and effort to promote democratic governance while working to create and develop institutions for the province.
In the light of the general election of 17 November 2001, as well as other developments in Kosovo, the OSCE has undergone a comprehensive restructuring. The most visible result of this is a change in its field structure, previously consisting of 21 field offices and regional centres across Kosovo. There will now be nine offices, each covering a number of municipalities, as well as a satellite office in Dragash/Dragas. The choice of locations has been carefully considered to ensure that the OSCE's work with the people of Kosovo will continue.
The offices of the OSCE Mission will be located in the following municipalities and cover the following geographic regions:
Community Centres also opened by the OSCE over the past two years, will remain open and will continue to provide services to assist community-based initiatives. In those geographic regions where there is no longer an OSCE presence, OSCE contact points will be accessible, although not on a full-time basis.
The OSCE's restructuring is a reflection of the Mission's success in developing and establishing institutions, and of its efforts to enhance capacity and promote participation by all local communities in the democratic governance of Kosovo.
In the light of the general election of 17 November 2001, as well as other developments in Kosovo, the OSCE has undergone a comprehensive restructuring. The most visible result of this is a change in its field structure, previously consisting of 21 field offices and regional centres across Kosovo. There will now be nine offices, each covering a number of municipalities, as well as a satellite office in Dragash/Dragas. The choice of locations has been carefully considered to ensure that the OSCE's work with the people of Kosovo will continue.
The offices of the OSCE Mission will be located in the following municipalities and cover the following geographic regions:
- Gjilan/Gnjilane, covering also Kamenice/Kamenica, Novo Berde/Novo Brdo and Viti/Vitina;
- Mitrovice/Mitrovica, covering also Skenderaj/Srbica and Vushtrri/Vucitrn;
- Leposavic/Leposaviq, covering also Zubin Potok and Zvecan/Zvecan;
- Lipjan/Lipljan, covering also Shtime/Stimlje and Ferizaj/Urosevac;
- Rahovec/Orahovac, covering also Gjakove/Djakovica and Malisheve/Malisevo;
- Peje/Pec, covering also Decan/Decani, Istog/Istok and Kline/Klina;
- Prishtine/Pristina, covering also Gllogovc/Glogovac, Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje, Obiliq/Obilic and Podujeve/Podujevo;
- Prizren, covering also Suhareke/Suva Reka and Dragash/Dragas;
- Strpce/Shterpce, covering also Kacanik/Kacanik.
Community Centres also opened by the OSCE over the past two years, will remain open and will continue to provide services to assist community-based initiatives. In those geographic regions where there is no longer an OSCE presence, OSCE contact points will be accessible, although not on a full-time basis.
The OSCE's restructuring is a reflection of the Mission's success in developing and establishing institutions, and of its efforts to enhance capacity and promote participation by all local communities in the democratic governance of Kosovo.