OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
Good governance

The OSCE assists OSCE participating States in fighting corruption and in building democratic, accountable state institutions. (jelly)
The Programme Office works with the government and civil society to strengthen institutional, strategic and legal frameworks, as well as to enhance their anti-corruption and anti-money laundering efforts. It plays a prominent role in developing Tajikistan’s new National Anti-Corruption Strategy, empowering non-governmental actors to contribute to the Strategy. The Office monitors its implementation and impact and integrates the best international anti-corruption standards. In co-operation with the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Academy of Public Administration and other relevant institutions, the Office supports drafting of curricula that are used to improve ethics and integrity of public servants and prevent conflicts of interest. It also facilitates anti-corruption education for civil servants. The Office also provides support to the National Bank of Tajikistan in creating sustainable solutions for anti-money laundering activities.
The OSCE puts a special emphasis on co-operation with civil society in combatting corruption and strengthening of its capacities. The Office helped establishment of the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Tajikistan on Transparency and Anti-Corruption, and assisted in the capacity-building and awareness-raising efforts through a variety of activities.