20th Anniversary of The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities
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The year 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National Minorities. A two-day event will be organised in The Hague to celebrate this anniversary and to emphasize the role of education in preventing conflicts.
This event will not only reflect on the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’ long-term work over the last 20 years in the field of education but also open up discussions on the challenges faced in adapting education systems to ethnically diverse societies.
In addition to government representatives, the event will bring together experts, teachers, education professionals, non-governmental actors and other local and international stakeholders active in the field of education, conflict prevention and peacemaking.
A high-level panel discussion on education as a tool for building stable societies will be held on Wednesday 20 April followed by an expert- and practitioner-level meeting on the various aspects of education and conflict prevention on Thursday 21 April.
The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities' video contest for young people on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the launch of the HCNM’s first and ground-breaking recommendations on the educational rights of national minorities.To mark the anniversary and underscore that education can help prevent conflicts, the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) organized a video contest called “Our school, our diversity”. The three best videos will be presented during the course of the anniversary celebration and can be viewed on the OSCE’s YouTube channel, along with the other seven top entries as selected by the HCNM panel.
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The Hague Recommendations are the first of a series of seven Recommendations and Guidelines issued by the successive High Commissioners and reflect the importance attached to the issue of education in conflict prevention and the protection of minority rights.
Participation by invitation only. Invited participants are kindly requested to register by 15 March.
Contact: For further questions please email Elena Gjoreska at elena.gjoreska@hcnm.org