OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Kairat Abdrakhmanov makes first official HCNM visit to Mongolia, presents Recommendations, signs MoC

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Kairat Abdrakhmanov visited Mongolia from 1 to 3 April 2024 where he discussed co-operation and issues of mutual interest with the authorities, signed a new Memorandum of Co-operation and organized a roundtable.
During his meeting with Foreign Minister Battsetseg Batmunkh, Abdrakhmanov underlined the important role that Mongolia has played in strengthening regional peace and security since joining the OSCE in 2012. The High Commissioner commended the country for its good practices with regard to promoting diversity and integration, and preserving and developing minority cultures, traditions and languages. They discussed the role of minority women and youth in securing long-lasting peace and stability and Abdrakhmanov conveyed his best wishes for a successful World Women’s Forum in Ulaanbaatar in 2024. He encouraged the authorities and civil society to share their experience with other OSCE participating States
The High Commissioner signed a new Memorandum of Co-operation with the Education and Science Ministry to further enhance co-operation between his office and the Ministry on the development of multilingual and multicultural education in Mongolia. During his meeting with Education and Science Minister Enkh-Amgalan Luvsantseren, Abdrakhmanov expressed his readiness to support Mongolia in its efforts to create an inclusive and quality education framework for all, including minorities.
On 2 April, the High Commissioner took the opportunity to present his Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities in Social and Economic Life (Socio-economic Recommendations) at a roundtable organized in co-operation with the Foreign Ministry in Ulaanbaatar. The participants discussed how socio-economic integration can be further enhanced in Mongolia, where diverse cultures have historically co‑existed harmoniously, and shared positive examples of social and economic inclusion from other OSCE participating States. They also considered how to ensure that minorities are not excluded from digital developments, including the internet and new technologies.
Addressing the participants, which included experts, government officials, politicians, representatives of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia and academics, Abdrakhmanov said: “Through these Recommendations, our vision is to work towards a future in which every national minority group can thrive, have influence and be empowered. This will enable us to weave a tapestry in our respective countries that is rich in diversity, equity and inclusion.”
The Socio-economic Recommendations assist policymakers to design policies that increase the participation of minorities in education, employment, housing, health care, the digital sphere, regional development and the environment. Each of these areas gives specific consideration to minority women and youth.
In his various meetings with the authorities – including Deputy Culture Minister Battur Purevsuren; the heads of the National University of Mongolia and the University of Internal Affairs of Mongolia, respectively Badarch Dendev and Batbaatar Purevdorj; and Member of State Great Hural (parliament) and Head of the Delegation of Mongolia to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Tsogtbaatar Damdin – Abdrakhmanov presented his mandate and priorities, and discussed the situation of national minorities and ethnic communities, including Mongolia’s rich religious diversity and how it intersects with ethnic and cultural diversity. He also discussed the potential to further embed multiculturalism in education for majority and minority communities. The High Commissioner learned about Mongolia’s best practices in regard to preserving and developing minority cultures and languages. He also heard about the impact that climate change is having on traditional livelihoods in Mongolia and how it can be mitigated.