OSCE High Commissioner praises adoption of "minority law" in Yugoslavia
THE HAGUE 28 February 2002

Rolf Ekeus, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (Michal Olejarnik/OSCE) Photo details
THE HAGUE, 28 February - OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus today praised the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for adopting the Law on the Protection of National Minorities. In a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Goran Svilanovic, the High Commissioner said that the law constitutes "a positive endeavour to ensure comprehensive protection of national minorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia".
Ekeus hailed the law as an important step by the Yugoslav Government to overcome the types of inter-ethnic conflicts which have scarred Yugoslavia's recent history.
The law is designed to provide a stronger legislative framework for the protection of persons belonging to national minorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which is one of Europe's most ethnically diverse states.
Over the past year the High Commissioner's Office has been closely engaged in assisting the Ministry for National and Ethnic Communities with preparation of the draft Law. In his letter to Foreign Minister Svilanovic, Ekeus noted the importance of implementing the law and offered his assistance in the process.
Ekeus hailed the law as an important step by the Yugoslav Government to overcome the types of inter-ethnic conflicts which have scarred Yugoslavia's recent history.
The law is designed to provide a stronger legislative framework for the protection of persons belonging to national minorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which is one of Europe's most ethnically diverse states.
Over the past year the High Commissioner's Office has been closely engaged in assisting the Ministry for National and Ethnic Communities with preparation of the draft Law. In his letter to Foreign Minister Svilanovic, Ekeus noted the importance of implementing the law and offered his assistance in the process.