OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities visits Finland, commends the country’s demonstrated commitment to manage diversity

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Kairat Abdrakhmanov visited Finland from 13 to 17 February 2023.
In Helsinki, High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Pekka Haavisto and had an in depth discussion on national minority issues, the future of the OSCE and the role played by its Institutions, including the work of the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM), as well as ways to strengthen efforts aimed at promoting peace and security in the OSCE region. In his meeting with the Minister of Education Ms. Li Andersson, the High Commissioner welcomed the country’s initiatives to support national minorities through inclusive education and was encouraged to hear of plans to reinforce efforts to this end, including through dedicated funding. During discussions with State Secretary Ms. Mikaela Nylander of the Ministry of Justice and the Chancellor of Justice Mr. Tuomas Pöysti, High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov took note of Finland’s demonstrated commitment to manage diversity, especially through mechanisms aimed at managing linguistic and cultural diversity and by creating opportunities for all, including the Sámi. Abdrakhmanov also commended Finland’s commitment to sustainable development, noting the country’s considerable achievements to this end during a meeting with members of the National Commission on Sustainable Development, including Secretary General Ms. Eeva Furman.
The High Commissioner also held meetings with Non-Discrimination Ombudsman Ms. Kristina Stenman, the Deputy Parliamentary Ombudsman Maija Sakslin, the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations, the Advisory Board on Language Affairs, the National Advisory Board on Romani Affairs, representatives of the Folktinget (Swedish Assembly of Finland) and the Director of the Human Rights Centre, Ms. Sirpa Rautio.
In Inari, the High Commissioner met with representatives of the Sámi Parliament, Sámi civil society organizations, members of the local community, and municipal officials from Inari, Utsjoki, and Enontekiö in an effort to deepen his understanding of the local context and challenges. During his conversations, the High Commissioner encouraged further dialogue between and among the Sámi communities, the municipal authorities, and the Government as a way to further enhance mutual trust. To this end, the High Commissioner offered the continued support and expertise of his Institution. High Commissioner also met with representatives of fisheries industry and Reindeer herding communities to learn about the impact of climate change and various legislation on these communities.
The socio-economic participation of national minorities, including the Sámi, features prominently in the High Commissioner’s consultations with a number of OSCE participating States, especially in relation to the nexus between climate change and security. He noted that climate change and security will likely become an increasingly important area of interest in the years to come and, as such, merits further attention by the OSCE to ensure peace and stability.
The High Commissioner commended the commitment of Finnish Government to promote an inclusive society that actively encourages national minorities, including the indigenous people, to participate in decision-making in matters affecting them. He encouraged the authorities to share their good practices within the OSCE region, especially in light of the upcoming OSCE Chairpersonship of Finland in 2025.
After thanking the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for organizing a comprehensive program for his visit, High Commissioner Abdrakhmanov expressed his deep appreciation for the professionalism of the officials and the authorities of Finland and especially for their warm welcome, good co-operation and excellent support during this visit.